
drunk riding

 I think of dangerous cyclists in terms of drunk riding. Many people such as labor and university students ride a bicycle after drinking. They sometimes drink so much that it is dangerous for them to ride a bicycle. Maybe concentration and attentiveness will decline, so they can't drive safely. As a result, they can cause an accident.
 Therefore, I think drunk riding is dangerous and should be banned. I want to ask people about it and find preventive measures.


my ideal trip

 I'll write about my ideal trip. I want to travel Eupore for two or three months. I like Europe because there are beautiful buildings and nature everywhere. Western-style buildings have different charms from Japanese-style buildings. They are attractive for me, so I'd like to see them and take many pictures. Also, I want to eat various European dishes such as paella and pasta. I have heard that foreign dishes are not good, so I 'd like to make sure if it is true by myself.
 In conclusion, my ideal trip is traveling Europe for a long time to enjoy and learn its culture. It must be meaningful trip for me.


sports day

 Today, I went to NDSU to join sports day. I played jump rope with my friends. It was hot, so everyone was tired. I jumped a rope for 12 minutes in total. I hurt my leg because I seldom do exercise. I regret not having done exercise for today. I'm afraid of muscular pain. However, I enjoyed playing sports with my friends very much!!


the problem of territory

 These days, I'm interested in the problem of territory between Japan and China. Both countries insist on their authority to preserve Senkaku islands. Japanese people think they belong to Japan, but Chinese people also think they belong to China. Last month, I often watched a protest demonstration in China on TV. Chinese people were filled with emotion and very violent. In addition, China runed an ad in The New York Times to dominant Senkaku islands. I don't know why they do such things. On the other hand, Japanese government is optimistic about this problem. It is responsible to take a optimal measure to conserve Senkaku islands, otherwise China perhaps take more large-scale steps. Anyway, Japan should make efforts to obtain them.


 I will write my favorite videos and the reasons.

*agricultual problems
 I like this video because the format of it is interesting. It is like a real news program!

*Stolen Bicycles
 This video is good in terms of captions and background music. They make the video easy to watch.

*Decrease in the number of farmers
 This video is unique because the reporter likes a horse. I don't know why, but I laughed to see her.

To improve the quality of a video, I suggest that reporters should speak loudly. I can't hear what they say because of their small voice. Also, background music will make a video good.



 There are colorful flowers and birds on the tropical island of Trinidad. It is like a paradise and attracts many people around the world with its beauty. For example, Roger Neckles, who is an ornithologist and a photographer, likes the island very much. He has lived there to observe the birds and wildlife. He is trying to develop his understanding of the island. He enjoys his life very much.
 The paradise will keep on attracting a lot of people. Though I'm not interested in birds, I enjoyed beautiful pictures in this book.



 Last Saturday, I took the final examination to graduate the driving school. I was very nervous, so I forgot to do some things I had to do during driving. However, I passed the examination. I was very happy!! Though I was busy to go to the driving school for a month, I enjoyed driving and talking with my teacher and friends.



 Three days ago, I went to the driving school and drove highway. The day before that day, I was safraid of driving there because I had to drive 80 km/h. However, I enjoyed driving. It was fun for me! Since I'm going to take the final examination, I will practice hard to pass it.


 Yesterday, I went shopping and received many gifts. They were bracelet, books, schedule book, letter, bag and clothes. I was very happy to see them. In particular, clothes were very nice!! I want to wear them at once! I enjoyed shopping and was glad to eat delicious lunch. I had a very good time.



 Recently, I have been busy because of the driving school and part-time job. I go to driving school six days a week. It's hard for me, but I enjoy driving with my teacher. We talk about various things such as my part-time job and hobby. Also, I often meet my friends at driving school. I enjoy talking with them, too. I'm looking forward to going there every day.


24 hour television

 Last week, I watched 24 hour television. I had been looking forward to it because I like ARASHI! Their sings are very good, so I often listen to them. I was very happy to hear them in 24 hour television. In addition, it involved good stories. I was moved to tears many times to watch people who make efforts to realize their dreams. I was very impressed by them. Though I haven't decided what I want to do in the future, I want to make efforts to find it.


driving school

 These days, I go to driving school to take a driver's license. I'm very worried about taking it because almost all of my friends say to me, "I think you don't suit for a driver." Even my mother said to me so. Tomorrow, I'm going to drive a car for the first time. I am nervous now, but I'll make efforts to take a driver's license.


 Yesterday, I went to Kurashiki by train. I went to Ion and Ario. I bought nothing, but ate noodle and drank maccha juice. They were very nice!! As I walked for a long time, I was tired. However, I enjoyed talking and eating. I had a very good time there.



 Last week, I went to Hokkaido with my family for four days. I was very happpy because I had been looking forward to going there. We went Sapporo, Otaru and Touyako. I saw beautiful view and ate delicious food such as Sushi and Noodle. The climate of Hokkaido was different from that of Okayama. It was very cool ! I had a very good time there. I want to go to Hokkaido again !



 We will soon have a examination. I studied this weekend, but I couldn't concentrate on studying because of this heat. I hate summer!! As I'm going to take a test of German tomorrow, I will study tonight. I'll try to study hard to get high score and enjoy summer vacation!



 I read a book about a dolphin whose name is Cupid. He was found stranded on a beach in Texas in 2003. He looked weak, so the Texas Marine Mammal Stranding Network took him to their pool.  As Cupid was sick, he sometimes took unusual action. A lot of volunteers took care of him every day and helped him survive. Thanks to their efforts, he gradually got better. They didn't want him to go, but he couldn't stay there. At last, Cupid was transferred to California's Marine World. 
 Nowadays, Cupid is settled in his new home and has a happy future ahead of him. I was very impressed by this story. I want him to live a happy life forever.


How's the Weather?

 Weather is the temporary state of the earth's atmosphere. It depends on the complex relationship between the air, water, and heat from the sun. The weather is based on the movement of the earth. Its atmosphere is like a vast weather engine. As the atmosphere move the surface of the earth, a continuous cycle of moving air is created. It causes dramatic changes such as snowstorms and typhoons.
 Meteorologists and weather forecasters observe and analyze the atmospheric conditions to predict weather accurately. We may not always be happy about weather, but everyone needs weather forecasts to plan our daily lives.
 Weather is very complex and interesting. It plays an important role in our lives.



 Today, I went to shopping with a friend of mine. We went to Ichibangai, and  I was very surprised at the price of clothes. We walked around, talking about things like our schools and part-time jobs. As we work for a cram school, I asked her a question which my student asked me yesterday. Thanks to her, I got the answer of it.  Time passed very quickly, and I bought four clothes. I was satisfied with what I had bought and had a good time with her. I want to meet and talk with her again.



 California is a state of America. Americans call it "The Golden State" because there were much gold and silver. Now, people go there to see things like the great cities, the big parks, and the beautiful desert.
 California has many famous cities like San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego. In particular, I want to visit Los Angeles. It is one of the world's largest cities and has many places to see. For example, Disneyland has been visited by millions of people from all over the world since it opened in 1955. I really want to go there because I like Disney very much! If you go and do everything in Los Angeles, more than a month is required.
 Also, there is beautiful nature in California. It is the home of some of the oldest and biggest trees in the world, and you can see them in a number of parks.
 California is a very attractive state. It's worth visiting for everyone.


The Adventure Capital OF THE WORLD

 Queenstown, which is a city of New Zealand, is famous for adventure sports. Many people go there to do them every year. In particular, bungee jumping and jetboat ride are popular. Some people like them so much that they can't wait to do them. Besides them, there are so many adventure activities to do in Queenstown. If you want to do all of them, it takes you sixty days!
 By the way, why are the people in New Zealand fond of adventure sports? A worker at a jump site says, "Maybe it is because they have a risky or adventurous way of living."
 These various adventure sports really help the tourism industry in New Zealand. Queenstown will continue to give us exciting sports.


Daniel Radcliffe

 He was born in London in 1989. His mother is an actress and his father is a writer. They didn't want him to be an actor. One day, a family friend visited the  Radcliffes and asked them if Daniel want to be an actor in a BBC television series. Surprisingly, his parents said yes. I don't know why. After that, he took an audition and got a part. This was his first job.
 Then he took an audition for the Harry Potter series, and he was chosen as Harry Potter! During the filming of Harry Potter, he met two young actors, Emma and Rupert. They became friends quickly and had a very good time. Thanks to their efforts, Harry Potter became famous in the world.
 After Harry Potter, Daniel has been doing various jobs related to making film. The writer of this book says, "he isn't going to be an actor. Perhaps he is going to be a writer or a director because he likes reading and watching films." Whatever he will be, I'm looking forward to his activities.


The Lost Temples of the Maya

 Do you know the Maya civilization? It is one of the most famous civilizations in the world. However, there are a lot of undiscovered things. For example, how did people in ancient times build Danta Pyramid,which has a complex structure? It is said that they lived a very simple life. If that is true, this question is mysterious. I want to know the answer and visit there someday.



 I read a book written about Scotland,which is a country in Great Britain and the United Kingdom. Scotland is in the far north-west part of Europe. There are many small islands, and some of them are nearer to Norway than London. I was surprised at that.
 The capital of Scotland is Edinburgh,which is an old city with many important and interesting buildings. Edinburgh is built on hills, so you can enjoy good views. Besides Edinburgh,there are some famous cities like Glasgow.
 Many Scottish people love to play sports, especially golf. Golf began in Scotland and there are more than four hundred golf courses. Football is also important. Scotland had the tenth highest number of football clubs of any country in the world in 2006.
 As for food, Scotland is famous for fishes. There are a lot of delicious foods, however, some poor people can't eat enough. They only live to fifty-four years old. Therefore better food is important for the Scots.
 It was not until I read this book that I knew about Scotland. I want to visit there someday. On the other hand, I was shocked by some facts. I hope that Scotland will be happy country for everyone.


Happy day!

 Today is my birthday. A lot of my friends sent me e-mail and celebrated my birthday with me. When I was about to have lunch with my friends as usual, they said to me,"happy birthday Mina!"and gave me a cake,doughnuts and presents. I was surprised. On the cake, there was a face of my favorite character, so I was very happy! It was made by one of my friends. After having lunch, we ate the cake. It was very good.
 I'll never forget this wonderful day. Thank you for celebrating my birthday.



 I read the book written about Heidi. Heidi is famous and popular in Japan because Heidi's animation was broadcasted many years ago. Of course I have known Heidi since I was young. However, it was the first time that I read the book about Heidi. Now,I think it is natural that Heidi is popular with a lot of people because this story has a happy end. When I read the last paragraph, I felt happy. As a lot of people know, the paragraph was that Clara could walk alone! Also,I like the beautiful nature in Switzerland. I want to visit there and enjoy playing like Heidi.
 This book made me happy, and I became interested in Heidi and Switzerland. If  I have time, I want to watch Heidi's animation.


a view of The OLYMPIANS

 This book is written about the history of the Olympic Games.
 The origin of the Olympic Games is Greece. The ancient Olympic Games were different from the modern Olympic Games in many ways. For example,though today there are three winners who are given a medal for each event,there was only one winner for a prize in ancient times. Also,what the winners were given was not a medal but an olive wreath.
  The Olympic Games have changed over the years. However,there is one thing which has always remained: the games still celebrate sports in the exciting Olympian way.



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